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Find Out The Best Marinades For Pork

Pork tastes delicious every time of the day. The secret to delicious pork is soaking it in mouth-watering marinade before you cook it. The fact is that it is a simple technique which does not require much investment in terms of money or time. It does an incredible job in adding flavour to lean meats including pork. Generally, marinades for pork are perfect for smaller cuts which are later pan-seared or grilled. Some of these are also the best chicken marinades too, and are not just for pork.

Before sharing the best marinade recipes, you need to know the following things about marinades.

  • To ensure safety, pork should always be marinated in the refrigerator. A marinade should never be reused for basting.
  • To add flavour to the meat, the marinade permeates the surface. The process does not aim to tenderize the meat. If you plan on cooking a thicker cut, it is important that you cut the meat using a knife before you marinate it in order for the juices to seep all the way inside.
  • Pork should be marinated for a minimum of half an hour and can even be marinated for up to two days. Keep in mind that you will need to marinate for a shorter period of time if the recipe is on the citrus heavy side. Otherwise, it would only break down the protein and offer mushy results.
  • Once the marinated pork is cooked, it still needs to be seasoned using some salt and pepper. However, you can also add some spices to give it even more flavour.
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Any basic marinade uses a combination of spices, oil, and acid (wine, yoghurt, vinegar, or lemon juice). After you become a pro at marinating, you will want to try out new recipes or even create a unique one like Raspberry Chipotle Marinade or Original BBQ Sauce. However, there are certain marinades that are our favourite. These are mentioned below.

1. Mild Mannered

One of our favourite marinades is mild mannered. These add flavour to the meat, but do not set your mouth ablaze. If you are someone who prefers something mellow, you should stick with simple seasons such as garlic or turmeric. It is best that you avoid marinades that use pepper. Try out Italian red wine marinade or herbed lemon-garlic marinade as they are both delicious.

2. Hot & Spicy

If you prefer breaking a sweat when eating, you will need to add some spice to the marinade. Instead of the basic pantry items, you will need to load up the recipe with jalapeno peppers and cayenne. Beer and mustard marinade and adobo marinade are a classic.

3. Eastern Inspiration

From Turkey to Pakistan, the Eastern part of the world is famous for its flavourful and rich foods. These recipes feature plenty of cinnamon, cumin, ginger, sesame oil, and soy sauce. You will love curried yoghurt and five spice marinade.

4. Beach Keen

Life on the South Pacific, Hawaii, and the Caribbean is on the relaxed side. The same goes for their food. To make island-inspired marinades, you will need to add plenty of fresh and diverse flavours such as cinnamon, cloves, sugar, garlic, ginger, and all types of pepper. The Hawaiian marinade and Island marinade are too good to be true.